Extra Bar

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Audition Ayodance Cheat


Selamat datang di Audition AyoDance Town, tempat dimana dance menjadi kebiasaan utama dalam hidup penduduknya. Lagu-lagu selalu diputar di setiap tempat. Dan semua orang bergerak sesuai dengan beat lagu yang didengarnya.

Kenapa dance menjadi begitu populer di Audition AyoDance Town ?

Dahulu, Audition AyoDance Town bukanlah tempat yang populer. Lahannya gersang dan tandus, seolah tidak memiliki sumber alami untuk dikembangkan. Hingga suatu saat, datanglah seorang peneliti mineral bernama Yodan Cea menemukan adanya sumber mineral baru di lahan itu. Mineral yang nantinya disebut sebagai “DEN”

Yodan Cea mendapatkan hak eksklusif untuk peredaran DEN ini. Kemudian dia juga mengembangkan lahan yang gersang dan tandus itu menjadi sebuah kota baru. Kota yang diberi nama Audition AyoDance Town. DEN sendiri menjadi mata uang lokal dari Audition AyoDance Town. Tetapi Yodan Cea membatasi peredaran DEN di daerah ini. DEN hanya dapat diperoleh penduduknya bila mereka mampu menunjukkan kebolehannya dalam menari. Hal ini disebabkan karena Yodan Cea sangat menyukai dance.

Dalam waktu singkat, Audition AyoDance Town berkembang pesat menjadi kota yang menarik dengan penduduknya yang selalu berusaha terlihat unik. Broadcasting Station pun didirikan di tengah kota untuk mempermudah penduduknya dalam melakukan dance battle.

Datang dan nikmatilah waktu anda di Audition AyoDance Town ~ dance for life ~ AyoDance !!

Tadi itu cerita singkat terbentuk nya Audition Ayodance Town, gimana? seru bukan?

Nah ini cheat audition ayodance :

Pembelian Cheat

Senin, 29 November 2010

GTA San Andreas Cheats

GTA San Andreas Cheats PC

Enter these cheats while playing, don't press pause. It is not advised to save your game with cheats enabled. From the following list, pick the type of cheat you are looking for, or just browse through the list and see what catches your eye.
Keep an eye on this GTAForums thread for all the latest cheats.

IMAGE   Weapons, Health, Armor & Money

LXGIWYL = Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
PROFESSIONALSKIT = Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW = Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM = Health, Armor, $250k
BAGUVIX = Semi-Infinite Health
CVWKXAM = Infinite Oxygen
ANOSEONGLASS = Adrenaline Mode
FULLCLIP = Infinite Ammo, No Reload

IMAGE   Police, Stats & Gangs

TURNUPTHEHEAT = Increase Wanted Level Two Stars
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = Clear Wanted Level
BUFFMEUP = Max Muscle
KVGYZQK = Skinny
AEZAKMI = Never Wanted
BRINGITON = Six Star Wanted Level
WORSHIPME = Max Respect
HELLOLADIES = Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Max Stamina
PROFESSIONALKILLER = Hitman In All Weapon Stats
NATURALTALENT = Max All Vehicle Skill Stats

IMAGE   Spawning Objects

AIWPRTON = Spawn Rhino
OLDSPEEDDEMON = Spawn Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Spawn Rancher
VROCKPOKEY = Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV = Spawn Racecar
TRUEGRIME = Spawn Trashmaster
RZHSUEW = Spawn Caddy
JUMPJET = Spawn Hydra
KGGGDKP = Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP = Have Parachute
ROCKETMAN = Have Jetpack
OHDUDE = Spawn Hunter
AMOMHRER = Spawn Tanker Truck
ITSALLBULL = Spawn Dozer
FLYINGTOSTUNT = Spawn Stunt Plane
MONSTERMASH = Spawn Monster

IMAGE   Vehicles

CPKTNWT = Blow Up All Cars
STICKLIKEGLUE = Perfect Handling
ZEIIVG = All green lights
YLTEICZ = Aggressive Drivers
LLQPFBN = Pink traffic
IOWDLAC = Black traffic
FLYINGFISH = Boats fly
EVERYONEISPOOR = Traffic is Cheap Cars
EVERYONEISRICH = Traffic is Fast Cars
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
SPEEDFREAK = All Cars Have Nitro
BUBBLECARS = Cars Float Away When Hit
OUIQDMW = Free Aim While Driving
GHOSTTOWN = Reduced Traffic
FVTMNBZ = Traffic is Country Vehicles
BMTPWHR = Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit

IMAGE   Gameplay

SPEEDITUP = Faster Gameplay
SLOWITDOWN = Slower Gameplay
AJLOJYQY = Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club
BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT = Everyone is armed
BLUESUEDESHOES = Elvis is Everywhere
BGLUAWML = Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED = Gang Members Everywhere
BIFBUZZ = Gangs Control the Streets
NINJATOWN = Ninja Theme
BEKKNQV = Slut Magnet
CJPHONEHOME = Huge Bunny Hop
KANGAROO = Mega Jump
CRAZYTOWN = Funhouse Theme
SJMAHPE = Recruit Anyone (9mm)
ROCKETMAYHEM = Recruit Anyone (Rockets)

IMAGE   Weather & Time

TOODAMNHOT = Very Sunny Weather
ALNSFMZO = Overcast Weather
AUIFRVQS = Rainy Weather
CFVFGMJ = Foggy Weather
YSOHNUL = Faster Clock
NIGHTPROWLER = Always Midnight
OFVIAC = Orange Sky 21:00
CWJXUOC = Sandstorm

Night Club City Cheats

Super Million coins Level up 

Download link here: startfilesave.com Get unlimited coins Fast level and buy Free items Working and 100% safe download .See the Steps File to inside the Package to learn all the steps to cheat

Incoming search terms:

nightclub city coin hack, cheat super level up nightclub city, facebook hack com level up nightclub city, level up hack for nightclub city, Night Club City Cheats Super level up 2010, nightclub city cheats coin and level up, Nightclub City Cheats Super level up, Nightclub City Super Level Up and Coin Hack September 2010, nightclub hack no survey Related posts:
  1. Nightclub City Hack Easy To Use Free Download september.
  2. Nightclub City Hack September 2010 Hack Level and Unlimited Coins
  3. Nightclub City Hack September Clone Facebook Credits Items Coin Items
  4. Nightclub city Coin Hack 2010
  5. Nightclub City Money Hack New September 2010 Still Working 360p

Tools you need :
a) Firefox
b) Cheat Engine 5.6
c) Flashplayer 10.0

1) Start Night Club City and get some cash first. Pause the game by using speed hack in
Cheat Engine. This have to be done inorder to get the recorded money earned.
2) Open Cheat engine, under process list select firefox , scan, 4 Bytes and ASRM.
3) Scan the total cash.
4)  Wait till the money increase and next scan the updated value
5) Cheats Done.

Good Luck and Enjoy!

Restaurant City Cheats

Restaurant City Cheats | Money Cheat and Level Up

What you need is Cheat Engine 5.5, flash 9 or 10 and piaip’s Restaurant City Hack tool Version 1.12. Download with caution.

1. Open your Restaurant City Game
2. Run your piapi restaurant city tool, then tick fast run, fast eat, fast one, fast waiter and auto regeneration then click the PATCH button to work.
3. Open your Cheat Engine 5.5 then select the program or browser you are using. If you are using Firefox browser then select Firefox and open. I don’t know if this engine works with other browser.
4. Check Hex box, change value type to 8bytes and check ASROM ( Also Scan Read-Only Memory).
5. On your Hex box, change value to FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2 and Scan.
6. You will get 1 address after scanning, right click the address that you have and disassemble it.
7. On the memory viewer, you will see the line “mov eax,FFFFFFFF”, change it to “mov eax,00001388″, Do Not Close the memory viewer.8. This is the current experience cheat for restaurant city. Now you will gain more experience per dishes.
9. Now, uncheck Hex box and New Scan your current level.
10. Wait until you level up to 21.
11. Now change the “mov eax,00001388″ to “mov eax,FFFFFFFF”
12. Next Scan your new level.
13. There is only 1 address left. If more than 1, find an address with a pattern like this “xxxxxFBx”.
The value of this address will be your current level.
14. Change the value to “1. You will be back to level “1″ of the game. But immediately, you will level back up to 21. Also you will gain thousands of coins as youlevel up.
15. When you are in level 21 again, change the value in your cheat engine back to a lower level. Keep repeating steps 14-15 until you have a lot of coins. Do not forget to save your game.

Parampaa Land Cheats

Password dan Cheat Level 1 - 200
Kalo mau main parampaa nya tinggal klik di sini aja http://parampaa.net/

Kalo game over di jalan terus gak mau ngulang dari pertama kalian bisa cheat password parampaa kok.
Nih cheat password parampaa nya per level :

Cheat Parampaa Level 11 -> Password : eleven
Cheat Parampaa Level 21 -> Password : twenty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 37 -> Password : thezibba
Cheat Parampaa Level 31 -> Password : thirty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 41 -> Password : fourty1
Cheat Parampaa Level 52 -> Password : fifty2
Cheat Parampaa Level 61 -> Password : faceoff
Cheat Parampaa Level 67 -> Password : sunset
Cheat Parampaa Level 71 -> Password : dorayaki
Cheat Parampaa Level 80 -> Password : linger
Cheat Parampaa Level 90 -> Password : gomugomu
Cheat Parampaa GAME OVER -> Password : parampaa
Cheat Parampaa Level  123 -> Password : arjuna
Cheat Parampaa Level  140 -> Password : tumpattu
Cheat Parampaa Level  151 -> Password : tumatu
Cheat Parampaa Level  161 -> Password : 161161
Cheat Parampaa Level  171 -> Password : 117711
Cheat Parampaa Level  179 -> Password : 179179
Cheat Parampaa Level  187 -> Password : 118877

Nah kalo kesusahan di tengah jalan kalian juga bisa liat nih cheat nya supaya gak game over.
Nih cheat parampaa dari level 1 - 200 :

* Cheat Parampaa Level 1 : klik mulai
* Cheat Parampaa Level 3 : klik lingkaran yang paling kecil
* Cheat Parampaa Level 11 : terjemahkan kata "death" ke b.indonesia
* Cheat Parampaa Level 15 : jangan sampai kucingnya melihat mouse kamu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 16 : lakuin aja yg dia suruh
* Cheat Parampaa Level 18 : Binatang apa itu?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 23 : hitung dari kiri ke kanan sampe 23
* Cheat Parampaa Level 27 : cecaknya dimana?

* Cheat Parampaa Level 28 : masuk ke black hole
* Cheat Parampaa Level 31 : klik kanan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 36 : drag n drop n click levelnya...
* Cheat Parampaa Level 38 : kill him = bunuh dia(laki-laki)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 40 : liat keyboard terus pencet yang dia bilang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 41 : klik tulisan yang paling terakhir
* Cheat Parampaa Level 43 : bahasa jawa cabai
* Cheat Parampaa Level 44 : jangan lihat pilihannya, lihat soalnya saja
* Cheat Parampaa Level 45 : sudut kemiringannya berapa?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 46 : bahasa inggris telur=egg, tekan E G G
* Cheat Parampaa Level 47 : sama seperti level 38
* Cheat Parampaa Level 48 : jawabannya 11 [ ga tau alasannya ]
* Cheat Parampaa Level 49 : klik run terus sampai hilang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 50 : baca soal

* Cheat Parampaa Level 52 : 5-2=3
* Cheat Parampaa Level 53 : itu bongkahan apa? pencet keyboard
* Cheat Parampaa Level 54 : ada berapa "huruf"?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 55 : tulis an ini
* Cheat Parampaa Level 56 : geser bulannya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 61 : nama panjangnya siapa? dia salah satu aktor terbaik yang mendapat piala oscar

* Cheat Parampaa Level 68 : FIFA = F1,F4
* Cheat Parampaa Level 69 : middle of the "heart"
* Cheat Parampaa Level 70 : buka aturan main parampaa
* Cheat Parampaa Level 76 : klik kanan buat munculin mousenya, terus cari sendiri....
* Cheat Parampaa Level 85 : sekarang level berapa? emoticon smile gimana? sama-sama(b.inggris)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 100 : buka twitter masova di http://twitter.com/masova

* Cheat Parampaa Level 101 - klik aja tu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 102 - mudah ni, pasti bisa
* Cheat Parampaa Level 103 - jawaban ada di pertanyaannya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 104 - Inget2 Pelajaran SD
* Cheat Parampaa Level 105 - ada hubungan dengan tata surya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 106 - pelan2 aja nyarinya. ntar ketemu saklar
* Cheat Parampaa Level 107 - Cluenya ada di Indonesia
* Cheat Parampaa Level 108 - bill maen di game left 4 dead.
* Cheat Parampaa Level 109 - masih bingung.. sembarang aj milihnya ntar ketemu kq :hammer:
* Cheat Parampaa Level 110 - ada hubungan sama v for vendetta

* Cheat Parampaa Level 111 - tanya google
* Cheat Parampaa Level 112 - jangan artiin perintahnya mentah2
* Cheat Parampaa Level 113 - bahasa inggrisnya belut. cari di layar
* Cheat Parampaa Level 114 - Automatic Fingerprint Integrated System. AFIS. cari di piano

* Cheat Parampaa Level 115 - yang menang sama di hompimpa apa
* Cheat Parampaa Level 116 - bhs inggrisnya jalan, cari di logo
* Cheat Parampaa Level 117 - cari yang beda
* Cheat Parampaa Level 118 - masuk ke webnya masova disini cari kata outro, ntar ada cluenya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 119 - Hitung jumlah burung yang terbang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 120 - pikirn sendiri aja ya ;p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 121 - itu juga masih bisa dipikir sendiri ;p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 122 - jawabannya tu bingung
* Cheat Parampaa Level 123 - kenapa wayang nunjuk kesitu, pasti ada sesuatu :D :D
* Cheat Parampaa Level 124 - kayaknya + pertama mencurigakan :D :D
* Cheat Parampaa Level 125 - dibagian bawah ayam kok aneh ya, levelnya juga

* Cheat Parampaa Level 126 - kenapa bulan?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 127 - jawaban udah ada di pertanyaan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 128 - buka parampaa.net/rorrim.swf. ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi ;P
* Cheat Parampaa Level 129 – namanya juga mirror, cerminin aja buka hasilnya di dalam parampaa.net, pencet ctrl gak apa-apa disini

* Cheat Parampaa Level 130 – ada hubungannya sama MUSE (cari album)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 131 – tungguin aja dulu, kalo sabar, nanti ketemu deh jawabannya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 132 – saran saya untuk yang ini = brute force (pilih ngacak)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 133 – yang bisa kena penyakit itu apa sih ???
* Cheat Parampaa Level 134 – Menaranya ada di negara mana..sante aja..gausah panik ada bom..hehe
* Cheat Parampaa Level 135 – liat keyboard..baca soal trus liat keyboardnya..gausah diartiin mentang2 bahasa inggriis..hehe

* Cheat Parampaa Level 136 – itu gambar apa?? krn gambarnya kebalik jawabannya jg doong..hoho
* Cheat Parampaa Level 137 – buka parampaa.net/rorrim.swf lagi.. (di tab baru aja) trus di zoooooooom truuus smp keliatan ada tulisan tersembunyii..emg deh masova neeh..hehehehe piiiiiis!!! :)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 138 – gataw cluenya apa..waktu itu beruntung pilih2 lgsg bener..hehehe
* Cheat Parampaa Level 139 = buka plurknya masova di plurk.com/ova… ada kok jawabannya :)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 140 : buka archive.com… keywordnya facebook.com… trus cari tgl yg di soal… trus jawabannya ya itu yg tulisan dibawah tanggal di soalnya… cari aja… :)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 141 : buka blognya mustova di www.mustova.com… cari aja sesuai petunjuk soal… kalo sudah klik… trus liat pagenya… nah.. jawabanya adalah 2kata yg paling banyak muncul di page itu… (tulis jgn pke spasi)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 142 : ngacak haha… plih2 aja…
* Cheat Parampaa Level 143 : ingat2 waktu pertama kali dikasi soal beginian di parampa pertama… urutannya gimana… ikuti urutan itu, sesuaikan dengan kombinasi warna yg ada di pojok kanan bawah…. (bukan mengikuti warna hehehe…)
tambahan dari udah gila gara-gara parampaa

* Cheat Parampaa Level 144: ternyata bohong ada baiknya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 145: yang pertama tau lah, yang kedua emoticon, yang ketiga cluenya pas mulai level ada suara dor + background bunga dan clue yang dikasih abis jawab yang kedua (lyric lagu om)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 146: \/ for \/ictory, jelas banget cluenya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 147: baris satu nama band (skarang udah ganti dan jadi terkenal, baris dua judul lagu, baris tiga kuncinya, translate dulu bos, eits belum selesai! kata itu kuncinya, ayo lakukan sesuai kata itu!

* Cheat Parampaa Level 148: turutin aja perintahnya, jangan banyak tanya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 149: palu dimana sih?
* Cheat Parampaa Level 150: lom ngerti maksudnya :p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 151: pilih aja yang tinggi
* Cheat Parampaa Level 152: kalimat pertama ada yang harus ditambahin, cari noh di screen
* Cheat Parampaa Level 153: itu simbol-simbol buat planet-planet di tata surya kita, cari tahu sendiri ya jawabannya

* Cheat Parampaa Level 154: googling aje
* Cheat Parampaa Level 155: logika pake boz
* Cheat Parampaa Level 156: jawab aj
* Cheat Parampaa Level 157: perhatikan baik-baik pola angkanya, pake kalkulator lebih mudah
* Cheat Parampaa Level 158: tanya aja sama yang tau nama tuh binatang
* Cheat Parampaa Level 159: ada kata-kata tersembunyi di bawah (sampe kluar kotak)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 166: liat noh yang warnanya sama, cari di web itu yang berhubungan dengan kata itu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 167: yah itung yang ke jakarta
* Cheat Parampaa Level 168: tanya mbah google
* Cheat Parampaa Level 169: translate bahasanya, nah cari aja di wikipedia, trus penced di screen (jgn ketipeng ama kotaknya)

* Cheat Parampaa Level 179: koin 500
* Cheat Parampaa Level 180: translate ke bhs inggris dulu clue gambarnya ..nama band ! origin = ….
* Cheat Parampaa Level 181: silakan dihitung sendiri :p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 182: system eror, ikutin aja perintahnya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 183: pikir sendiri yahh x)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 184: perhatiin aja gambar sama #3 ..ini ada hub sama band lagii
* Cheat Parampaa Level 185: googling :)
* Cheat Parampaa Level 186: gambar = clue ..googling googling
* Cheat Parampaa Level 187: pengetahuan umum =p
* Cheat Parampaa Level 188: clue nya “tittle” googling sajaaa..
* Cheat Parampaa Level 189: googling lagii :P
* Cheat Parampaa Level 190: catur jepang.. drag aja yg item ke tempat yg mencurigakan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 191: gatau knpa.. random guess wktu tu
* Cheat Parampaa Level 192: tarik garis smpe membentuk huruf, kl udah cari hurufnya di page parampaa ..arahin kursor ke situ terus ikutin aja perintahnya.. inget” level 177

* Cheat Parampaa Level 193 : lihat dari jauh, nanti juga keliatan
* Cheat Parampaa Level 194 : udah, ikutin aja perintahnya
* Cheat Parampaa Level 195 : gampanglah ini, tinggal ketemuin dan klik
* Cheat Parampaa Level 196 : ini dia yang bikin saya hampir stuck, saya bikin pake step yah
a. lihat kiri bawah, coba googling tuh kata
b. setelah tahu itu apa, coba cari salah satu bukunya (Dancing Men)
c. sesuaikan kode di parampaa dengan kode yang kamu temukan (kalo belum ketemu cara mecahin kodenya, cari di google kata kunci kodenya)
d. ternyata kamu harus bawa cermin pada saat kode itu berhasil dipecahkan
e. jawablah kode itu juga menggunakan cermin

* Cheat Parampaa Level 197. coba buka ms WORD . terus cari font yang simbol (gk tau, lupa namanya). pokoknya terus coba aja (perjuangan tiada mati). kalo dah daped simbol simbolnya. coba translate dengan manual . . . ngisi jawabnna jgn lupa make SHIFT !

* Cheat Parampaa Level 198. coba klik koin koinnya, itu kan gambar korek api, ada yang burem2 gitu, cari aja apa artinya, lalu klik semua yang ada

* Cheat Parampaa Level 199 -> harus sabar dulu, nanti juga keluar
kalo udah keluar, harus ditranslate dulu di isizulu.net, abis itu harus lihat ke beberapa level sebelumnya dulu, kalo masih gak bisa, silakan datangi facebook yang help saya di facebook.com/dane.eduardo

* Cheat Parampaa Level 200 -> coba cari benda apa yang berhubungan dengan 200 dengan berat yang tertera di situ ??? abis itu kalian harus cari nama latinnya

kalo ada yang nambahin supaya lebih gampang bisaa comment ko :)
Selamat bermain parampaa ya semua ^_^

DISCLAIMER : Game ini berpotensi menyebabkan emosi dan frustrasi. Anak-anak mohon didampingi orang tua jika sedang memainkan Quiz Parampaa.
QP juga dilindungi oleh Creative Commons License, yang berarti Anda boleh menyebarluaskan untuk keperluan non-komersial dan harus selalu mencantumkan sumber original.

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Aspek Aspek Tugas Blog

Ada beberapa aspek untuk membuat tugas blog untuk mencapai nilai tertinggi yaitu 95, diantara nya yang saya tau :

  • Pertama
Membuat Blog.
anda bisa membuat blog di alamat web www.blogger.com atau blogspot.com ya pokok nya itu sama aja si.
  • Kedua
Mengganti layouts dengan yang ada slide nya.
kalo blog anda sudah jadi anda disuruh ganti layouts nya pokok nya gak boleh pake layouts yang standart dan layouts nya itu pun harus ada slide nya nah anda bisa ambil di http://btemplates.com/ pokok nya cari aja yang ada slide nya.
  • Ketiga
Membuat 5 postingan artikel tentang Perkembangan IT.
Menggunakan bahsa inggris gak boleh copas tapi boleh google translate hahaha. pakai bahasa inggris supaya blog anda bisa di akses dari seluruh dunia. Dan setiap artikel nya itu ada gambar nya yang dimana gambar itu nanti di taro di slide show nya.
  • Keempat
Membuat Slide Show Seperti di MSN.
Disini kalian disuruh membuat slide show yang di layouts itu jadi kaya di MSN, supaya kalo orang klik gambar di slide itu bisa menuju artikel yang ada di gambar slide itu. Ibarat nya seperti shortcut slide aja deh pokok nya. Nah buat tau cara buat nya kalian bisa liat di Cara mengubah tampilan slide blog.
  • Kelima
Membuat facebook page dan ditaro di blog.
Untuk cara membuat facebook page agar supaya bisa di taro di blog kalian bisa liat di cara membuat facebook page dan ditaro di blog.
  • keenam
Video kalian bisa ambil di Youtube dan cara masukin nya tinggal klik kanan pilih copy embed html lalu di copas ke artikel anda di bagian edit html nya bukan di compose nya loh.
  • ketujuh
kalo followers sih gampang kan minimal 2 kalo anda malu buat minta teman anda untuk memfollow anda follow diri anda sendiri aja dengan account google dan accout twitter. tapi kalo gak malu ya udah minta aja teman anda untuk memfollow blog anda. bilang aja "hello guys, tolong follow blog gue dong buat tugas TIK nih dari sekolah, nih link nya http://youthimagination.blogspot.com/ follow ya guys!" huahahahahaha
  • Kelapan
Comment disini minimal 2 dan asli dari orang lain bukan dari diri sendiri. sebener nya sih anda bisa picik dengan bugs comment hahaha kalo pinter main setting pengaturannya pasti anda bisa buat sedikit sedikit picik lah huahahaha. tapi kalo hal ini saya gak bisa share.

Oh iya belajar dan tekuni bener bener dunia IT gan kali aja agan agan bisa punya mendali emas kaya gini ! huahahahaha


Minggu, 21 November 2010

Cara mengubah tampilan slide di blog

yuk ubah slide yuuk
  • Pertama
1) Anda log in dulu ke blog anda
2) Anda ke Dashboard
3) Klik Design
4) Pilih edit HTML
5) Baru deh anda otak atik codeing nya itu haha tapi saya saranin anda pake note pad jadi anda copy paste dulu seluruh codeing nya ke note pad supaya kalo eror tinggal balik copy paste dari note pad ke HTML itu kalo gak ya klik Download Full Template nya.

  • Kedua
1) Anda pencet di keyboard ctrl + f buat search codeingan yang mau anda rubah ( contoh kalo mau ubah gambar kan format nya jpg nah di kotak itu tulis aja jpg supaya langsung cepet ke codeingan tujuan anda )

  • Ketiga
gue kasih contoh codeingan buat blog gue yang ini nih :

<div class='imageElement'>
<h3>Android (operating system)</h3>
<p>Android is a mobile operating system initially developed by Android Inc., a firm purchased by Google in 2005. Android is based upon a modified version of the Linux kernel. Google and other members of the Open Handset Alliance collaborated to develop and release Android to the world. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is tasked with the maintenance and further development of Android. Unit sales for Android OS smartphones ranked first among all smartphone OS handsets sold in the U.S. in the second and third quarters of 2010,with a third quarter market share of 43.6%.</p>
<a class='open' href='http://youthimagination.blogspot.com/2010/11/android-operating-system.html' title='This is featured post 1'/>
<img alt='' class='full' src='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/04/Android_logo.svg/100px-Android_logo.svg.png'/>

Keterangan :
Warna merah : itu buat judul bar slide anda
Warna orange : itu buat descripsi dari isi slide anda
warna biru muda : itu buat supaya kalo  anda klik gambar anda, gambar itu jadi ibarat shortcut ke artikel yang anda posting seperti kalo di msn itu. codeingan nya pake copy an URL yang dari alamat artikel postingan anda ya.
Warna hijau : buat mengubah gambar yang anda inginkan

contoh codeingan html yang di atas adalah contoh buat slide punya saya yang link android, coba aja anda klik gambar yang android di slide saya pasti akan masuk ke artikel android yang saya post !

 Kalo mau buat facebook page cara nya liat di ITqopular.blogspot.com
atau langsung klik B===D (kurang panjang, wkwkwk) How to make facebook page


Sabtu, 20 November 2010

ESET Smart Security 4

ESET Smart Security 4

Antivirus | Antispyware | Firewall | Antispam

The Internet is a wonderful place for networking, searching for information and entertainment, but it is also where malicious software and other threats lurk. ESET Smart Security 4 keeps your PC safe with advanced proactive detection that blocks most known and undiscovered threats hours or days faster than other Internet security technologies.

Key Benefits

Built on the award-winning NOD32 antivirus and antispyware engine, ESET Smart Security stops most new threats proactively, well before other vendors have issued a signature, maximizing your defense against new and unknown threats.
  • Integrated antispam and personal firewall keeps your online life safe and cleans Internet traffic and email, even when it's SSL-encrypted.
  • Stops threats from entering through removable devices so you can share files with confidence
  • Integrated SysInspector and SysRescue simplify system diagnosis and recovery
  • Self defense prevents malware from degrading your level of protection
  • Tiny signature updates happen discretely as needed and won't bog down your system

Key Features

Smarter Scanner – Threats don't always enter in ways you expect. ESET Smart Security inspects SSL-encrypted communication channels like HTTPS and POP3S, and intelligently scans compressed files to find threats that other products miss. ESET's Smart Optimization feature makes file scanning faster than ever.
Time-saving Firewall – New Learning Mode saves time by automatically creating firewall rules by observing how end users use the network, while offering advanced firewall modes for power users. Pair customized firewall profiles with trusted network zones and have appropriate firewall rules applied automatically based on detected network presence.*
Trusted Zone Authentication – Identify trusted network zones by network configurations (a configurable combination of host/DNS/DHCP server IP address, wireless SSID, connection profile, etc) or securely authenticate into a network using ESET Authentication Server.*
Upgraded Antispam – ESET Smart Security now takes care of annoying spam with a smaller, faster, and even more effective spam filter.
Removable Media Security – Threats can enter your PC from removable media such as USB thumb drives. For self-running media, ESET Smart Security scans autorun.inf and associated files when the medium is inserted, in addition to scanning any file on any removable device when it is accessed, or during a full-scan of the media.
System Tools – ESET SysInspector and ESET SysRescue simplify diagnosing and cleaning of infected systems by allowing deep scans of system processes to find hidden threats, and creating bootable rescue CD/DVD or USB drives to help you repair an infected computer.
Self Defense – ESET Smart Security has built-in technology to prevent malicious software from corrupting or disabling it, so you can rest assured your system is always protected.
* Available with version 4.2

Usability Improvements

ESET Smart Security has numerous speed, security and usability upgrades such as:
  • Energy-sipping battery mode extends laptop battery life without compromising security
  • Advanced Protection Status screen informs you of threat detections
  • Information pop-ups are hidden when running full screen applications like games, video players or presentations
  • Password protection prevents ESET Smart Security from being uninstalled by strangers
  • New interface and keyboard shortcuts simplify use for visually impaired users

Social networking sites "TWITTER"


Twitter is a website owned and operated by Twitter Inc.., Which offers a  mikroblog social network that allows users to send and read messages are called tweets. Tweets are text posts to 140 characters are displayed on the user profile pages. Tweets can be seen outside, but the sender can restrict delivery of messages to their friends list only. Users can see the tweets of other writers known as followers.
All users can send and receive tweets via Twitter site, compatible external applications (mobile phones), or with a short message (SMS) available in certain countries. This site is based in San Bruno, California near San Francisco, where the site was first created. Twitter also has a server and an office in San Antonio, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts.
Since established in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and currently has more than 100 million users. This is sometimes described as "
SMS from the internet".

  • History

Twitter started with a discussion held by members of the board of podcasting company Odeo. During the meeting, Jack Dorsey introduced the idea twttr where individuals can use the SMS service to communicate with a small group. The project started on March 21, 2006, when the first Twitter message Dorsey published in 21:50 Pacific Standard Time (PST): "I'm just preparing twttr."
Twitter first used as an internal service to employees the full version of Odeo and publicly introduced on July 15, 2006. Twitter became its own company in April 2007.
The popularity of Twitter started to increase in 2007 when there were festivals South by Southwest (SXSW). During the event took place, increased use of Twitter tweets a day from 20,000 to 60,000. Reactions at the festival was very positive.
On September 14, 2010, Twitter change the logo and launched a new design.

  • Growth

Already more than 400,000 tweets posted per quarter in 2007. Then developed menjad 100 million tweets posted per quarter in 2008. At the end of 2009, 2 billion per quarter tweets are posted. In the first quarter of 2010, 4 billion tweets are posted. In February 2010 Twitter users send 50 million tweets per day. In June 2010, approximately 65 million tweets are posted every day, equivalent to about 750 tweets are sent every second, according to Twitter.
Twitter users will become more active when there is a notable event. For example, the record created at the 2010 World Cup, when fans write in 2940 tweets per second in the second period 30 after Japan scored a goal against Cameroon on June 14, 2010. Records were broken again when the 3085 tweets per second that are posted after winning the Los Angeles Lakers in NBA Finals 2010 on June 17, 2010. This also happens when the singer Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, the server is down because of Twitter users update their status to include the words "Michael Jackson" on the level of 100 000 tweets per hour.

if you want to create a new account on twitter please click the link below:)
create a new account on twitter
Video o_o

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft Office 2010 (also called Office 2010 and Office 14) is a productivity suite for Microsoft Windows, and the successor to Microsoft Office 2007. Office 2010 includes extended file format support, user interface updates, and a changed user experience. A 64-bit version of Office 2010 is available, although not for Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.

On April 15, 2010, Office 2010 was released to manufacturing. The suite became available for retail and online purchase on June 15, 2010.

Office 2010 marks the debut of free online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, which work in the web browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari, but not Opera). Office Starter 2010, a new edition of Office, replaced the low-end home productivity software, Microsoft Works.

Microsoft's update to its mobile productivity suite, Office Mobile 2010, will also be released for Windows Phones running Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Phone 7. In Office 2010, every application features the ribbon, including Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, InfoPath, SharePoint Workspace (previously known as Groove), and the new Office Web Apps.

Microsoft Office 2010
Microsoft Office 2010 logo
Office 2010 family.png
Microsoft Office 2010 applications shown on Windows 7 (clockwise from top left: Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint; these four programs make up the Home and Student Edition)
Developer(s) Microsoft
Initial release June 15, 2010 (2010-06-15)
Stable release Build 14.0.4760.1000 / June 15, 2010; 4 months ago (2010-06-15)
Operating system Windows 7
Windows Server 2008
Windows Vista with Service Pack 1
Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (32-Bit only)
Platform Microsoft Windows (Intel x86 32-bit/64-bit)
Available in English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian (Bokmål), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
Type Office suite
License Proprietary commercial
Website microsoft.com/office/2010


  • Comparison

Table of Editions
Programs and Features Starter Office Online Home and Student1 Home and Business Standard Professional Professional Plus
Licensing OEM Free Retail Retail Retail2 and Volume Retail and Academic Retail,2 Academic, and Volume
Word Starter edition Basic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Excel Starter edition Basic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
PowerPoint Viewer only Basic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
OneNote No Basic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outlook No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Publisher No No No No Yes Yes Yes
Access No No No No No Yes Yes
Communicator No No No No No No Yes
InfoPath No No No No No No Yes
SharePoint Workspace (Groove) No No No No No No Yes
Project No No No No No No No
Visio No No No No No No No
Office Customization Tool (OCT)3 No No No No Volume edition only No Volume edition only
1 Office Home and Student boxed product is available in a Family Pack, allowing usage on three PCs in one house.
2 Retail version is offered through MSDN or TechNet only.
3 Office Customization Tool is used to customize the installation of Office by creating a Windows Installer Patch (.MSP) file and replaces the Custom Installation Wizard and Custom Deployment Wizard included in 2003 and earlier versions of the Office Resource Kit which created a Windows Installer Transform (.MST). Office Customization Tool is only included in Volume License editions.

  • Office Mobile 2010

The office suite for Windows Mobile by Microsoft, is updated together with Office 2010. Windows Mobile 6.5 or higher is required to run Microsoft Office Mobile 2010.
Some of the new features included are:
  • Presentation Companion: The add-on to PowerPoint Mobile allows users to control a presentation through their Windows Phone and display speaker notes.
  • Conversation View: Outlook Mobile threads related emails into a group for easier reading and management
  • SharePoint Workspace Mobile: The new application allows users to sync documents from SharePoint servers directly to their Windows Phone for offline viewing and editing.
  • Support for New Content in Office 2010 such as SmartArt graphics and charts
An upgrade for the existing Windows Mobile 6.5 Phones is provided via Windows Mobile Marketplace, a beta version is already available.
  • Contents

    Selasa, 16 November 2010

    Windows 7

     Windows 7

    Windows 7 (formerly berkodekan Blackcomb or Vienna) is the latest version of Microsoft Windows that will replace Windows Vista. It has a kernel of Windows NT 6.1. Microsoft announces that development of Windows 7 will run in three years. Client version of Windows 7 will be released in 32-bit and 64-bit version of its server though (which will replace Windows Server 2008) will be released only in 64-bit version, which will be named Windows Server 2008 R2. The computer will let you know if there is a change on the computer. Windows 7 was launched on October 22, 2009. Each user will have 3 layers of protection if there is a request to download files from an unknown. Windows 7 is designed with new features and improved performance of Windows Vista.

    Hardware specifications

    Microsoft has published the specification of minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7.Minimum Specifications Windows 7 (recommended)
    Arsitektur 32-bit 64-bit
    Kecepatan unit pengolah pusat 1 GHz 32-bit CPU 1 GHz 64-bit CPU
    Memori Akses Acak(RAM) 1 GB RAM 2 GB RAM
    Unit Pengolah Grafis Dukungan DirectX 9 prosesor grafis dengan WDDM Driver Model 1.0 (Untuk Windows Aero)
    Cakram Keras(HDD) Kapasitas Minimum 16 GB Kapasitas Minimum 20 GB
    Cakram optik DVD drive (untuk instalasi dari media DVD)

    Additional requirements to be able to use certain features

    * BitLocker requires a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 1.2 and requires a USB flash drive to use BitLocker To Go.
    * Windows XP mode requires an additional 1 GB of memory, an additional capacity of 15 GB hard disk, and the Central Processing Unit that supports virtualization with AMD-V or Intel VT


    Windows 7 sticker pasted to a computer that meets the minimum requirements of Windows 7
    Windows 7 has 6 versions of the same with Windows Vista. It's just that there are differences in name, if you have a version of Windows Vista Business is on the Windows 7 version is called Professional.

    Android (operating system)


    Android is a mobile operating system initially developed by Android Inc., a firm purchased by Google in 2005. Android is based upon a modified version of the Linux kernel. Google and other members of the Open Handset Alliance collaborated to develop and release Android to the world. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) is tasked with the maintenance and further development of Android. Unit sales for Android OS smartphones ranked first among all smartphone OS handsets sold in the U.S. in the second and third quarters of 2010,with a third quarter market share of 43.6%.

    Android has a large community of developers writing application programs ("apps") that extend the functionality of the devices. There are currently over 100,000 apps available for Android.Android Market is the online app store run by Google, though apps can be downloaded from third party sites (except on AT&T, which disallows this). Developers write in the Java language, controlling the device via Google-developed Java libraries.

    The unveiling of the Android distribution on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 78 hardware, software, and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices.Google released most of the Android code under the Apache License, a free software and open source license.
    The Android operating system software stack consists of Java applications running on a Java based object oriented application framework on top of Java core libraries running on a Dalvik virtual machine featuring JIT compilation. Libraries written in C include the surface manager, OpenCore media framework, SQLitedatabase management system, OpenGL ES 2.0 3D graphics API, WebKit layout engine, SGLSSL, and Bionic libc. The Android operating system consists of 12 million lines of code including 3 million lines of XML, 2.8 million lines of C, 2.1 million lines of Java, and 1.75 million lines of C++. relational graphics engine. 

    Update history

    Android has seen a number of updates since its original release. These updates to the base operating system typically fix bugs and add new features. Generally each update to the Android operating system is developed under a code name based on a dessert item.
    1.1 Released 9 February 2009
    1.5 (Cupcake)
    Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.27
    On 30 April 2009, the official 1.5 (Cupcake) update for Android was released.There were several new features and UI updates included in the 1.5 update:
    • Ability to record and watch videos through camcorder mode
    • Uploading videos to YouTube and pictures to Picasa directly from the phone
    • A new soft-keyboard with text-prediction
    • Bluetooth A2DP and AVRCP support
    • Ability to automatically connect to a Bluetooth headset within a certain distance
    • New widgets and folders that can populate the Home screens
    • Animated screen transitions
    1.6 (Donut)
    Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.29
    On 15 September 2009, the 1.6 (Donut) SDK was released. Included in the update were:
    • An improved Android Market experience
    • An integrated camera, camcorder, and gallery interface
    • Gallery now enables users to select multiple photos for deletion
    • Updated Voice Search, with faster response and deeper integration with native applications, including the ability to dial contacts
    • Updated search experience to allow searching bookmarks, history, contacts, and the web from the home screen
    • Updated technology support for CDMA/EVDO, 802.1x, VPNs, and a text-to-speech engine
    • Support for WVGA screen resolutions
    • Speed improvements in searching and camera applications
    • Gesture framework and GestureBuilder development tool
    • Google free turn-by-turn navigation
    2.0/2.1 (Eclair)
    Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.29
    On 26 October 2009 the 2.0 (Eclair) SDK was released. Among the changes were:
    • Optimized hardware speed
    • Support for more screen sizes and resolutions
    • Revamped UI
    • New Browser UI and HTML5 support
    • New contact lists
    • Better contrast ratio for backgrounds
    • Improved Google Maps 3.1.2
    • Microsoft Exchange support
    • Built in flash support for Camera
    • Digital Zoom
    • MotionEvent class enhanced to track multi-touch events
    • Improved virtual keyboard
    • Bluetooth 2.1
    • Live Wallpapers
    The 2.0.1 SDK was released on 3 December 2009.
    The 2.1 SDK was released on 12 January 2010.
    2.2 (Froyo)
    Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.32
    On 20 May 2010 the 2.2 Frozen Yogurt (Froyo) SDK was released. Changes included:
    • General Android OS speed, memory, and performance optimizations.
    • Additional application speed improvements courtesy of JIT implementation
    • Integration of Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine into the Browser application
    • Increased Microsoft Exchange support (security policies, auto-discovery, GAL look-up, calendar synchronization, remote wipe)
    • Improved application launcher with shortcuts to Phone and Browser applications
    • USB tethering and Wi-Fi hotspot functionality
    • Added an option to disable data access over mobile network
    • Updated Market application with batch and automatic update features
    • Quick switching between multiple keyboard languages and their dictionaries
    • Voice dialing and contact sharing over Bluetooth
    • Support for numeric and alphanumeric passwords
    • Support for file upload fields in the Browser application
    • Browser can now display animated GIFs (instead of just the first frame)
    • Support for installing applications to the expandable memory
    • Adobe Flash 10.1 support
    2.3 (Gingerbread)
    Based on Linux Kernel 2.6.33 or .34
    Confirmed new features: Unconfirmed new features:
    • Android Market music store
    • Media streaming from PC library
    • Revamped UI
    • Support for bigger screens with up to Wide XGA (1366×768) resolution
    • New 3D Games support including new Marketplace area for gaming
    • Use of mksh for /system/bin/sh
    • Support for video calls
    • Support for WebP image files
    • Support for Google TV
    3.0 (Honeycomb) Scheduled for early 2011 launch. Feature list started with features that won't make the cut-off for Gingerbread
     ? (Ice Cream)
    • Rumored to be Android 4.0
    • Supposed mid 2011 launch.